8 Sept 2013

Tourism Conference 2013

Leaders to discuss emerging trends during World Tourism Conference 2013

Global leaders who will converge in Malaysia in October for the World Tourism Conference 2013 will discuss and address current and relevant issues related to the tourism industry.
The three-day conference, which is set to be organised by the Malaysia Ministry of Tourism and Culture together with the United Nations World Tourism Organisation and the state government of Melaka, will bring together stakeholders from UNWTO’s member states to discuss emerging issues in the tourism sector.
Tourism in Langkawi,Malaysia. [photo/asia-trip.info]
Tourism in Langkawi, Malaysia. [photo/asia-trip.info]
The conference is expected to bring together world leaders in tourism, high-level policymakers, specialists and experts from both the public and private sector to share experiences, while providing guidance for tourism development under this year’s theme Global Tourism: Game Changer and Pace Setters.
Tourism stakeholders set to discuss emerging issues in the sector in October. [photo/pravasitoday.com]
Tourism stakeholders set to discuss emerging issues in the sector in October. [photo/pravasitoday.com]
“Therefore, WTO 2013 should be attended by all travel and trade members in Malaysia, such as hoteliers, tourism officers, airlines and airport representatives, as well as tour operators among others, as they will get the opportunity to connect, share and learn during the event,” read a statement from the Malaysia tourism Ministry.
The ministry further confirmed that the conference will be held at the Equatorial Hotel, Melaka, from October 21.
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6 Sept 2013

Inside the Thrihnukagigur volcano, Iceland

Inside the Thrihnukagigur volcano, Iceland 

This panorama can be opened in several different resolutions. High resolution panorama with the best quality is about 7 Mb large and it is suitable for fast internet connections and modern computers. For slower internet and old weak computers we created the smaller low resolution panorama. Some small details have been  sacrificed but the size of low resolution panorama is nomore than 2 Mb.

Iceland is one of the most active volcanic regions in the world, with eruptions occurring every 3-4 years on average. It´s mostly due to its location on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the Eurasian and North American plates are moving apart - and therefore literally opening the earth's crust. In the center of this ridge sits Thrihnukagigur volcano.
Thrihnukagigur volcano is dormant - it last erupted over 4,000 years ago. There are no indications of it erupting again in the near future. The volcano's name is directly translated as ‘Three Peaks Crater'.  The beauty of the crater mostly consists in the various colourations found inside it and its enormous - and to some extent intimidating - size. To put it in context, the ground space is equivalent to almost three full-sized basketball courts planted next to each other and the height is such that it would easily fit full sized Statue of Liberty into the chamber.
Photo from the top of the volcano
The magma chamber is often referred to as the heart of a volcano. It's there that the liquid rock waits to find a way through to the surface, causing a volcanic eruption. In most cases, the crater is usually closed after the eruption by cold, hard lava. Thrihnukagigur volcano is a rare exception to this, because the magma in the chamber seems to have disappeared. It's believed that the magma solidified in the walls or quite simply retreated to the depths of the earth.
Inside the Volcano
An open elevator system carries you down to magma chamber. It's speed is very slow to provide the opportunity to enjoy the amazing scenery. Elevator stops at 120m depth, where we were shooting our panoramas.
We want to thank Inside the Volcano company for organization of this tour.