City Chefchaouen

50km from the city of Tetouan in the far north-east of Morocco, and above ground increases in height and filled with green more and more, look down on you city of Chefchaouen living safe between Jpelln giants, does not break calm, but tunes "Tqtoqh" mountain that captivates visitors and foreign tourists. All white and very hygiene in this city, which sits in safety under the sun, and even the Earth did not exclude from this feature, as it is being painted in blue constantly by women living in one of the daily tasks entrusted to them, as well as cooking, cleaning and caring for the family.
The city name consists of two words, "Look" and "Shaun," a noun meaning Burberry see the peaks, and it seems that the name came from its location between two mountains summits around them.
Chefchaouen saw different migrations in the era of the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans and Vandals, as it is still ancient ruins tell their heritage, Kalqntrh history and Roman Tariq ibn Ziyad mosque in an area called Cravat.
And maintains the people of the city a lot of customs, traditions and rituals Hristiunha in religious seasons and multiple festivals
Recreation province of Chefchaouen

National Park
To read Smtan
National Park includes Tlasmtan an estimated area of 60,000 e, featuring nearly 6 groups, four of which belong to the territory of Chefchaouen, namely: group Osivan, and community Tlambot, and then the door of Taza group.
Tdharsaa dominated by rugged nature, mountain and creates a character views Christah the beautifully landscaped, and highest summits بالمنتزه he find Mount percussion 2159 meters and Mount Tasuka 2122 meters.
And Geology is attributable configured to the third time, which is a modern configuration, the layers are formed mainly of limestone (limestone peak) and schist.
And climatically Valmentzh the National because Tsamtan longer the rain, with a maximum rainfall in the 2000 mm per year, in addition to witnessing the park rainfall snow covered mountain peaks, and lasts more than 4 months of the year.
And botanically contributed terrain, geological and climate in the formation of vegetarian cover Gappoe and important, and is characterized by its diversity, as well as some of scarcity. And one of the most important tree formations find fir trees, cedar and oak green and oak, pine and beech trees Aerar.In addition to this park abounds Tsamtan forested formations rich and varied, while some longer rare.

Regional park extends Banu Hashim on an area of 76,000 hectares, and includes nearly six rural communities, and is the city of Chefchaouen main gate of the park.
Natural park abounds Bmanaba multiple water and fresh-water (such as natural Avrcillo), and form dense waterways Lake Bani Hashim natural (a Tnaqhob group).
And includes the park as well as formations forested dense and varied, and examples of tree we find oak, cedar and pine Aerar, and extends these forests along the promenade, and lead the conditions provided by the park to the spread of livestock is important, and some animals such as otters, and Zriviae and monkey Moroccan endemic to do, which is rare or endangered species. As park endemic reptiles such as snakes, in addition to this group of birds live up to 36 species, 32 of which are endemic or rare or endangered species such as the Royal Eagle, Raven and Falcon.
In addition to these Almentzhin present province of Chefchaouen sites Aicosaahih can play an important role in the development of rural tourism Chefchaouen province, has advanced in this regard, a number of projects for the establishment of nature reserves as requested by the establishment of protected castle and village to Brekshh group.
Rural tourism trails province of Chefchaouen

Allow trips to tourist reception centers for travelers to communicate with
Ocean population and natural, and benefit tourists from tourism activities as well as cultural activities and the presence of the seasons and celebrations held by the static rural areas, and allow them visits and meetings with the local population in order to identify the forms or lifestyle of the population, also organizes trips to the cooperative farming and poultry farming and textile industry traditional, and provides explanations about the history of the region, and allows for amateur tours and hiking and climbing practice their hobbies.
And is available the regional Bashfshaon domain set of tracks, including:
* Chefchaouen castle:
Stretches for a distance of 7 km, two-hour walk, and stems from the region of Sidi Abdel-Hamid and pass through the slopes of the North, which overlooks the city of Chefchaouen and access to the area approve the village castle, and lets this path to identify what the wealth area of fantastic landscapes. After a busy day of fun are back on board the SUV.
* Path Mount Tasuka:
The starting point: Duaralhomr group Tnaqhob, and duration curfew in this track eight hours so that stretches long to 25 km, and as mentioned above start this journey from the roundabout Alihumr and pass dizzy Alazein appointed gravel and Alkuaorh and Sir Magnetize then Forest fill, ending area Krankhh group Drdarh. And extends this exploratory path on the large area of the country's mountains, tourists were able to identify the natural resources, engineering and historical traditions that make this site a distinctive place.

Path Chefchaouen Oakecor:

The starting point: the city of Chefchaouen Sidi Abdel Hamid Square, and the duration it takes in this journey between 4 to 5 hours at a distance of 20 km. And go through this journey through Medinhhfshaon to the village castle and down to the village Ogrman then village and Slav, who have been arch Lord Boakecor, and are flight Bjultan two small enables the first tourists or visitors to discover one of the places scarce natural center of communities in rural west and is an area of the adoption of the castle, and the second فتتيح the discovery of virgin nature of the individual Valley, passing through the limestone land

* Path Chefchaouen Ozelan:
Starting point for this route is the city of Chefchaouen Square Sidi Abdel Hamid, up period it takes in flight about four hours at a distance of 16 km, and go through this journey from the city of Chefchaouen through the corridors of the Citadel and Mount Tsukh, allowing visitors to see the fantastic landscapes, in addition to stand at rare fir Forest Reserve, and eventually reach to the village Ozelan, and are to return to the city Hfshaunbalsearat SUV
Chefchaouen terrain gives a great opportunity for visitors to discover the city and nature as much as possible of the beautiful surprises.
The visitor can discover the city with the least amount of fatigue and the greatest pleasure, because the small size of the city provides an opportunity to detect from the city center and the end of the mountains, forests and surrounding springs.
Medina reflect the cultural and historical diversity in Chefchaouen, this mystery of the secrets of the city in maintaining their special charm compared with the rest of the Moroccan cities

Chefchaouen visitor can exercise fun touring the city between antique and modern city, public squares and I. bathroom, the largest town squares so not rare visited Chefchaouen visitors.
Chefchaouen chanting visitors much name Ras water because this water upstream most aesthetic, which is also a tourist destination parameter of the population as far as destinations for visitors
Peduncle district also among the most popular places, and is one of the oldest areas of the city after the Casbah antique.
Received this quarter centuries ago dozens of families who were displaced from the Andalusian Andalusia, and the evolution of over Alsneben even become one of the largest residential lanes, and this is similar to the neighborhood with other residential area is rural Andalusia father received in the past large crowds of displaced people from Andalusia, a
What made them similar in style and construction of the assets of the population.
There is also a neighborhood Abbanin inspired two component together يضمان a lot of artisans and craftsmen maintain the legacy of debt Old in the field of traditional industries.
Most often favored by visitors Chefchaouen after their visit to the antique city is to wander in the forests and mountains nearby, to knead become
Traditional transport the best way to discover these areas, which is sometimes difficult
Accessible via car.
Riding an animal such as a horse or mule **** or to wander in the suburbs Hfshaonasubh fun again for tourists, especially that of natural areas surrounding the city extended the parties, and to overcome the difficulties of the way animals and twisted barbed and sudden Mnarjatha more than cars do.
CAT Cat Cars SUV also become appropriate spaces Chefchaouen, but they remain limited effectiveness in many areas. There are also bicycles favored by tourists, which turn into the most effective means of movements between the arms of nature.