Bern is the administrative capital of Switzerland and the fourth largest city in terms of the number of population after Eifjujennifubazl. Living Fabern about 127 thousand people, most of them speak German or German Albornah. Bern is the capital of Canton Canton's second largest in terms of population in Switzerland. The city average height above sea level is 542 m and an area of ​​52 km

Berne still maintains its old character from the Middle Ages have been chosen by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site. Months landmarks Zetjloj Tower is well placed time-made ​​medieval Gothic and Mnstar Cathedral dating to the fifth century.
In the city's many theaters, museums distinctive museum Alps and Einstein House and the Museum of Fine Arts and Communications Museum and the Museum of psychology. Held in Bern many festivals annually.

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!

Bern Swiss .......!