5 Things (You Didn’t Know) About Traveling Alone in Greece

Greece, land of windmills, white marble, the Parthenon and Ouzo liqueur, is also an ideal destination for solo female travelers. It’s a relatively safe country and a hot spot for other solo travelers during high season between May and September. Because Australia’s winter falls during Greece’s summer, young Aussies venture over to surf, party and island hop, too. You’ll be in good company. It’s easy to make friends as you move between the cities and islands, so you’ll never really feel alone.
But, building confidence as a solo traveler requires flexibility and openness to making mistakes. So far, I’ve dealt with my mistakes through a combination of luck and sense of humor. Greece is easy (and a blast) to navigate but here are five tips about solo travel in Greece you should know before you go.

2. Don’t overdo Athens. Athens, steeped in layers of historic ruins, is a traveler’s must-see. But, it’s also dirty, crowded, sweltering in the summer and infamous for pickpocketing. Even in the well-lit metro I felt like a walking bull’s-eye for thieves and sketchy people. I’d recommend not spending more than one or two days here if you’re traveling alone. Every time I’m in Athens my instincts are inexplicably on edge. Plus, in conversations with other travelers, I’ve found most wish they would’ve spent less time in Athens and more time in Northern Greece, or on the islands. Don’t be afraid to branch out to cities outside Athens.
3. Have a flexible agenda. The best part about Greece is the ferry system. While it sometimes has a reputation for being delayed, ferries run frequently in the summer and tickets are affordable (usually less than 30.00 euros). Have a flexible agenda and buy ferry tickets as you go. I decided to stay on Ios Island for an extra day on my first trip and made it back to Athens in time to fly out. If you feel like tacking on extra time, or changing locations earlier, the ferry system makes travel easier. Plus, with a flexible agenda there’s much less anxiety about making prearranged transportation deadlines.

5. Travel solo, tuck in with travelers similar to you. People tend to be curious about me as a solo female traveler. And I relate well to guys. For a portion of every Greece trip, using that combination, I’ll tuck in with a group of other male travelers, and often make life-long friends. I still feel independent because I’m not obligated to stay with them, but having other people around makes feel less like a target. Figure out your social strengths and play off them when you travel. Look for travelers similar to you. A group of Miami boys changed their plans to meet up with me a few days after we met, and as travel-luck would have it, we found each other on Santorini at the end of the week—just in time to catch the gorgeous sunset before driving back under the Greek streetlights on our rented ATVs. I still keep in touch with them, two years later. But remember above all, though stretching your comfort zones is a part of solo travel, never put yourself in a situation where you’re so uncomfortable that your safety is on the line.
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