A trip to Turkey 2013
* Image of the bridge over the Bosphorus Strait
on the first day we arrived.

Breakfast and drinking tea in the morning, of course, under the giant tree

Breakfast and drinking tea in the morning, of course, under the giant tree
of the hills overlooking it.

* Fog in the mountain Stock Exchange descend on us at the height of the back.

* Stands towering mountain guarding the Stock Exchange and is a symbol and source of livelihood.
* Restaurant middle of the river (waterfall Said Islamabad Stock Exchange).

* Waterfall and make their way from the water between the rocks central mountain.

* Ascension to the mountain

* Water and rivers you'll find in the Turkish north everywhere, it is the number of Taus our sand.

* Spring permanent and continuous flowers and Burner, as if the summer has been removed from between the seasons of the year have .

* Green plains in the Eider.

* Housing in one of these huts, the best I have from a 5-star hotel in the towering

* Fog in the mountain Stock Exchange descend on us at the height of the back.

* Stands towering mountain guarding the Stock Exchange and is a symbol and source of livelihood.
* Restaurant middle of the river (waterfall Said Islamabad Stock Exchange).

* Waterfall and make their way from the water between the rocks central mountain.

* Ascension to the mountain

* Water and rivers you'll find in the Turkish north everywhere, it is the number of Taus our sand.

* Spring permanent and continuous flowers and Burner, as if the summer has been removed from between the seasons of the year have .

* Green plains in the Eider.

* Housing in one of these huts, the best I have from a 5-star hotel in the towering
Tower downtown.
* Church drilled and suspended in mountain Besoumila.
* Church of the home and is the center of the mountain.