Travel to Canada
Exploring the friendly country north of the USA can be a wonderful laid-back adventure. Canada’s ten provinces and three territories make up the vast expansive country that extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic Ocean.
Ottawa, Ontario is the capital of this progressive and prosperous country. Most cities (even the larger ones) present a hometown atmosphere — many are smaller than the majority of major worldwide destinations. English and French are both official languages in Canada but even in communities that are primarily French-speaking someone can usually converse in English.
A visit to Canada is like taking a world tour. A wide variety of immigrants from countries far and wide — many sporting their native attire — call Canada home. As a result, no matter where you travel, it’s easy to partake in an ethnic festival or celebration in the many towns and villages.
Campgrounds range from full service RV resorts loaded with amenities to laid-back utopias in secluded areas. The majority will offer three-way hook-ups with 30-amp power (occasionally 50 amps). But a few parks still only provide 15 amps. In those cases where power is not abundant, many areas have low humidity with comfortable temperatures as the norm, so running a power-hungry air condtioner may not even be a necessity.
One of the best-kept Canadian camping secrets are the municipal campgrounds located in many small towns. I know of no published listing of these “gems” but most are located on the secondary highways that traverse through small towns. The only indication will be a “camping signal” posted on a lamppost along the main street. Payment at some of these hidden parks may even be on the honor system — you simply select a site, set up, pay your money (usually very little) in an honor box and then take a stroll downtown for coffee. These parks are security patrolled, but no regular staff will be on site.
Staff at parks in the large communities usually will offer maps plus directions to public transit or what route to follow to drive to city center. Many of these campgrounds also arrange for tour buses to stop at the parks for the convenience of visiting RVers.

Canada’s warm summers are the most popular time for an RV visit — but spring floral displays and fall colors also attract tourists. Winter activities such as skiing and snowboarding offer another option. While some campgrounds are open year round, most only operate from mid-April to mid-October.
A trip to Canada is much like one in USA but there are definite differences. Terrain doesn’t change much from the northern USA to southern Canada but traditions do differ. However, when I first began my research following 9-11 for a seminar about RV Travel to Canada for a FMCA (Family Motor Coach Association) convention, I was shocked to discover a seven-page, double-spaced list of differences. Most were subtle but becoming aware of these differences was the main reason I launched my RV Travel To Canada eBook. In this downloadable book I address each of these points of interests plus include websites and current phone numbers for more in depth research. Comprehensive information regarding guns, pets, roads, tolls, ferries, weather, climate, money, banking, dollar conversion, shopping and so much more make up the 43 pages of this highly informative publication. Those planning a trip to Canada this summer will find this eBook very helpful.
Since the currency exchange continues to remain beneficial for American visitors, Canada is an economical getaway. Now is a perfect time to explore the friendly country to the north. See you there!